Local Copies Etc. is committed to making a positive difference where we live and work. We feel a responsibility to contribute our time, energy, and financial contributions to continually serve the community and clients that help make us successful.
Every community has countless professionals and volunteers striving to support organizations that serve our community and it is important to the Local Copies Etc. family to assist with this effort all year long.
We are excited to be part of the Santa Maria Valley and all the great amenities it has to offer. As an active member of the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations, we are more than just a business that works locally. We are a local business that partners with our community.
We are Local Copies Etc…
Some of the organizations with whom we have partnered over the years include:
- Alzheimer’s Association
- Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
- Elks Mini Rodeo
- Elks Parade
- Hats for Hope
- Knights of Columbus St Patricks Day Car Show
- Los Padres Artist Guild
- May Grisham PTA
- Orcutt Children’s Art Foundation
- Orcutt American Little League
- Orcutt National Little League
- Orcutt Youth Softball
- Pacific Conservatory for the Performing Arts (PCPA)
- Relay for Life (American Cancer Society)
- Righetti High School ASB
- Righetti High School Boosters
- Santa Maria Chamber of Commerce
- Santa Barbara County Fair
- Santa Maria Philharmonic Society
- Santa Maria Police Association
- Santa Maria Speedway
- Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum
- Santa Maria Valley Humane Society
- Santa Maria Valley Packers Baseball
- Santa Maria Valley YMCA
- Strawberry Festival
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